The Grant-in-Aid is a social grant intended to provide for the basic needs of adults who are unable to care for themselves and are certified by a medical officer to
be in need of full-time care from someone else. The Grant-in-Aid is provided as an additional grant to adults who are already receiving an Older Person’s Grant, a Disability Grant or a War Veteran’s Grant. The Grant-in-Aid is not paid out on its own – it must be in addition to a main social grant. Please note this grant is paid out to the person receiving the main grant, and not to their assistant. In addition, note that there is no means test for the Grant-in-Aid. (See: Problem 8: Person Receiving an Older Person’s Grant Needs Full Time Care)
In order to apply for a Grant-in-Aid you must:
What do you need in order to apply?
You can also apply for a Grant-in-Aid at the same time as you apply for an Older Person’s Grant, Disability Grant or War Veteran’s Grant if you cannot look after yourself and need full-time care.