Work and Employment > Problems in the Workplace and the Law > 13. Employer Does Not Register Employee with the Unemployment Insurance Fund
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13. Employer Does Not Register Employee with the Unemployment Insurance Fund

Jack’s employer did not register him as a contributor with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF). This means he did not pay any contribution to the Fund.

What Does the Law Say?

The law says all employers must register all employees with the Unemployment Insurance Fund as soon as they start working for them. An employer must also pay 2% of an employee’s wage/salary to the Fund every month (1% is deducted from the employee’s salary, and 1% is paid by the employer).

(See: How Do Employees Become Contributors to UIF?)

What Can You Do?

Jack must go to the Department of Labour and register for unemployment benefits. The Department will discover that Jack’s employer has not registered him as a contributor. They will investigate and take action against the employer. The employer will have to make back-payments to make up the money that should have been paid to the Fund.

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