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Claiming Maternity Benefits from UIF

Employees apply for maternity benefits in the same way as for illness benefits.

If you are pregnant and want to apply for maternity benefits you must go to the nearest employment office yourself and make the application. If you are too ill, you can organise for someone else to go in your place.

When you register for maternity benefits you will get FORM UF92. This form must be filled in by a doctor. You must take the form back to the employment office.

Staff at the employment office may ask you to go to the doctor again or to visit the employment office at certain times. You must do what they ask, or you may not be able to claim.

Maternity benefits will be paid into a bank account.

On FORM UF95 you can apply for further benefits after your baby is born. This form must be signed by the doctor who delivered the baby. An employee can get these benefits even if the baby was stillborn. If you are also unemployed, then you must tell the claims officer. But if you are on unpaid maternity leave, you will only need to fill in forms UF92 and UF95.Benefits are paid for a maximum of 121 days or 17.32 weeks depending on the number of credits the employee has.
(See: Maternity Benefits)

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