Paralegal Skills and Advice Centres > Establishing an Advice Centre > Budgets for an Advice Centre > How to Calculate Expected Expenses and Income in an Advice Centre
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How to Calculate Expected Expenses and Income in an Advice Centre

Before you can work out what your organisation’s expenses will be, and how much money you will need, you must be clear about the organisation’s objectives, and how you plan to achieve them in the period for which you are preparing a budget.

Analyse What the Organisation Spends Money on

Once you are clear about what work the organisation will do for the time the budget covers, you must write down everything that costs the organisation money. Start off with a list of everything you can think of. Afterwards you can put the items into groups or categories.

So your final list could look like this:

medical aid
pension fund

electricity, water
telephone and ADSL lines
Internet service provider

telephone, fax
bank charges

Training Department:
cost of venues
accommodation for participants

repair and maintenance

printing costs
distribution costs

When you have worked out what you plan to spend money on, you can work out how much each item and each category costs. You can use your own records to work out the costs.


If stationery has cost your Advice Centre R500 per month in the past year in the Ezikweni Advice Centre and inflation is at 10%, what should you budget for in the following year?

R500 + 10% inflation = R550 per month R550 x 12 months = R6 600 per annum

But the records show that the number of clients who came to the Advice centre over the past six months increased by 10% every month. This means there will be an increase in spending of approximately 10% on stationery.

The calculation will then look like this: R500 + 10% inflation = R550 per month

R550 + 10% increase in spending due to increase in numbers of clients = R550 + R55

= R605 per month

R605 x 12 months = R7 260 per annum