Social Grants > Model Letters for Social Grants > Model Application for Social Relief of Distress Grant
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Model Application for Social Relief of Distress Grant


Room 9, Avocado Centre



Telephone: 021-6836252

8 December 2015

Our Ref: 0812/15


Private Bag 9677 Claremont


Dear Madam / Sir

Re:      NAME…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

IDENTITY NUMBER……………………………………………………………………………………………..

We write to you on behalf of the above-mentioned client. S/he is in need of temporary material assistance.

Our client is currently: (select only what is relevant and delete the rest BEFORE printing)

  • Awaiting permanent aid
  • Medically unfit to undertake remunerative work. This has been the case for a period less than 6 months
  • Entitled to maintenance from a person obliged to pay maintenance
  • A member of a household of which the breadwinner is deceased and insufficient means are available
  • A member of a household of which the breadwinner has been admitted to an institution for less than 6 months
  • Affected by a disaster or emergency, although the area of the community in which he/she lives has not yet been declared as a disaster area
  • Not receiving assistance from any other organisation
  • Appealing the suspension of his/her grant
  • Not a member of a household that is already receiving social assistance
  • Entitled to relief in terms of the regulations which hold that a person may be granted relief in exceptional circumstances.

It would be appreciated if you could assist our client in the application for this alleviation grant by ensuring that his/her application gets processed speedily. S/he is in serious need of social assistance and this would ensure that his/her difficult circumstances are not prolonged.

Should you decide not to grant our client a Social Relief of Distress Grant, kindly provide written reasons for such refusal.

We look forward to your co-operation. Yours faithfully

………………………………………………………… (put your name and capacity, and sign)

Paralegal Caseworker

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