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Municipal Elections

Municipal elections take place every five years. A mixed or hybrid system of both the ward system (a constituency system) and the proportional representation (PR) system, is used for municipal elections. The first democratic municipal elections took place in 1995/6, and the first municipal elections run by the IEC took place in 2000.

There are 3 types of Municipal Councils in South Africa:

  • Category A: Metropolitan Councils
  • Category B: Local Councils (LC)
  • Category C: District Councils (DC) (have executive and legislative powers in areas that include local municipalities)

For metropolitan municipalities, there are 2 types of elections and ballots :

  • Metropolitan council ward, and
  • Metropolitan proportional representation.

In all local municipalities other than metropolitan municipalities, there are 3 types of elections and ballots:

  • Local council ward
  • Local council proportional representation
  • District council proportional representation

Municipal By-Elections

By-elections take place within 90 days after a municipal ward council seat becomes vacant due to death, expulsion or resignation of a ward councillor.

Special Votes: Municipal Elections

A special vote allows a registered voter, who can’t vote at their voting station on election day, to apply to vote on special vote day before election day.