Local Government > The Structures of a Municipality > Composition of a Municipality > Role of a Ward Councillor on a Ward Committee
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Role of a Ward Councillor on a Ward Committee

A ward councillor is directly elected to represent and serve the people in a specific ward. There are usually between 3 000 and 20 000 voters in a ward. The ward councillor should make sure that the interests of the people in the ward are represented as properly as possible. The ward councillor should be in touch with the issues in the area, understand the key problems and monitor development and service delivery. In committees, caucus and council meetings, the ward councillor should act as a representative for the people in the ward. The ward councillor chairs the ward committee.

The ward councillor is the direct link between the council and the voters. S/he makes sure that voters are consulted and kept informed about council decisions, development and budget plans that affect them.

People can also bring their problems to the ward councillor and s/he should deal with these in an appropriate way, for example, by taking up matters with council officials.