The National Policy on HIV/AIDS for Learners and Educators in Public Schools, and Students and Educators in Further Education and Training Institutions (1999) sets out some important policy issues on children with HIV or AIDS in schools.
Important Principles
- Learners and students with HIV or AIDS should live as full a life as possible and should not be denied an opportunity to receive education that fits their ability
- No learner or educator can be forced to disclose his/her HIV status
- If anyone knows about the HIV status of a learner or educator, this information must be kept confidential
- No learner or educator may be asked to have an HIV test
- Learners and educators should not be discriminated against, for example, this means that no learner or educator canbe refused to join or stay at a school because of his/her HIV status
- If a learner become incapacitated through illness, the school must take steps to arrange home study for the learner.