Social Grants > Social Grants for Children Below the Age of 18 Years > Care Dependency Grant (CDG) > What is the Means Test To Qualify for a Care Dependency Grant?
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What is the Means Test To Qualify for a Care Dependency Grant?

Only the income threshold of the care-givers of the child who is care dependent is assessed. There is no asset threshold test. The applicant, spouse and child must meet the means test (except for foster parents where a different means test applies)

(See: What is the means test to qualify for a Foster Care grant?).

Therefore, receiving the Care Dependency Grant depends on the income of the entire family.

A person can qualify for the CDG if:

  • The parent/s or primary care giver earns less than R151 200 per year or R12 600 per month (if single), or R302 400 per year or R25 200 per month (if married).
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