The Constitution says the courts are independent. This means that the national executive and parliament cannot interfere in what the courts do. Everyone, including the government, must follow the decisions of the courts. The courts are:
The Constitutional Court is made up of a chief justice, deputy chief justice and nine other judges. The judges can only be judges in this court for up to 12 years. The Constitutional Court is the highest court to hear cases about the Constitution and all other courts must follow its decisions. For example, the Constitutional Court says the death penalty is not allowed because it goes against people’s right to life, so no other court in South Africa can sentence anyone to death.
There are certain cases that only the Constitutional Court can make decisions about. Some of these cases are:
Any court can hear a case about the Constitution, including cases about abuse of rights. Courts can do the following:
The Supreme Court of Appeal and the High Courts can make an order about how unconstitutional a law is. But they can only provide ‘temporary relief’ until the case goes to the Constitutional Court. Only the Constitutional Court can confirm that it is unconstitutional and therefore invalid.
Anyone can take a case directly to the Constitutional Court but it is difficult for a person who is not a lawyer to do this because of the legal questions involved. It would therefore be better to use a lawyer to take a case to Court.
Anyone who wants to bring a case to the Constitutional Court must usually start in a High Court. In certain cases the state will provide legal aid. A High Court will hear the case and it has the power to make a decision. If the person who has brought the case is unhappy with the decision, he or she can usually appeal against a decision of the High Court. The appeal will be heard in the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court has to decide on the meaning of the Constitution in relation to a dispute. It has to interpret the relevant section(s) in the Constitution and see how it applies to the case.
The Constitution says that at least 8 judges must hear any case that goes to the Constitutional Court. Decisions of the Court are reached by a majority vote of the judges hearing a case.
Sessions of the Constitutional Court are open to the public and press.
He applied to the KwaZulu-Natal High Court claiming that he had a right to receive treatment from the hospital because:
The High Court turned down his application. Mr Soobramoney appealed to the Constitutional Court. The Court said his case was not an emergency that would allow him to receive emergency medical treatment. It also said that even though Mr Soobramoney had the right to have access to health care, the state only had to provide what it could afford. In this case the state could not afford to give him the treatment. The Court turned down the appeal.
The Supreme Court of Appeal has a Chief Justice, a Deputy Chief Justice and other judges. This court is the highest court of appeal in all cases, except cases about the Constitution. It decides on appeals from lower courts and decisions of this court must be followed by all lower courts.
Each province has a High Court which is headed by a judge president and a deputy- justice president. Some provinces may also have ‘branches’ called local divisions.
If a person is unhappy about a decision of a High Court they can appeal to:
(See Trials, appeals and reviews)
Each area in the country has its own magistrate’s court. These courts deal with less serious criminal and civil courts. If a person is unhappy with the decision of a magistrate he or she can appeal to a High Court of that province.
The Judicial Services Commission interviews judges and recommends a shortlist of four for each vacant position to the president, who makes the final decision.
(See Structure of the Courts)