This is a checklist of rules and procedures which you can get each side to agree on before you start to run a mediation session:
- Trust and respect for the chairperson (who will be the mediator) and the mediating team (if there is more than one person)
- Should there be translation and who should do it?
- Is the venue secure and neutral?
- Do the chairs and tables have to be re-arranged?
- Size and leadership of delegations.
- Should observers be allowed?
- Agree to behave in a polite and disciplined manner.
- No interrupting of other speakers.
- No verbal abuse and shouting.
- No physical intimidation (for example, pointing) and violence.
- No presence and carrying of weapons. Should smoking, drinking and eating be allowed?
- No distracting behaviour, for example, caucusing while the other side is speaking.
- How long should the sessions be?
- Equal time for each side to speak and who should speak first.
- Opportunity to caucus and consult when necessary.
- How should the mediation be minuted?
- What parts of the discussion should be confidential?
- How should the agreement be reported back to members?
- Should the outcome of the mediation be publicised and how?