Chapter 1
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Commission on Gender Equality (CGE)

The CGE will protect men and women who complain that they have been discriminated against because of their gender or sex. The CGE will also advise lawmakers on laws that affect equality between men and women, and on the position of women as citizens.

The CGE is an independent body and is only accountable to the Constitution and to Parliament. The commission must send a report of its activities to Parliament at least once a year. The CGE consists of a chairperson and 7 to 11 members. The National assAembly and the National Council of Provinces nominate and approve members to the CGE. The members of the CGE stay in office for 7 years.

The Commission on Gender Equality Act makes no provision for provincial offices. The functions of the CGE are to:

  • Monitor, evaluate, review and report on laws, policies and practices of different government bodies and private businesses that affect gender equality
  • Monitor international conventions to make sure that our laws and policies follow these
  • Do research about gender equality
  • Make recommendations to any legislature (in other words, any government body that makes laws) to adopt new laws to promote gender equality
  • Network with institutions and other bodies to promote gender equality
  • Educate civil society about gender equality
  • Investigate any gender-related issues if someone makes a complaint
  • Resolve disputes if someone has made a complaint
  • Refer any complaint that it can’t resolve to the public protector or the South African human rights commission


The CGE has the power to:

  • Order a person to attend a hearing
  • Order a person to give evidence or produce any document
  • Enter a person’s home or a workplace, if this is necessary for an investigation

The CGE can request any level of government to assist them with an investigation or with any of their functions.


Anyone can make a complaint to the CGE for an alleged violation. The complaint can be in any language. Your complaint should include the following information:

  • Your name, address and telephone number
  • Who you are complaining about and their contact details
  • What happened to you, when it happened and who was involved
  • What law you think has been broken and how
  • Whether you have made a complaint anywhere else and, if so, what happened

You can use any of the following ways to make a complaint:

  • By post
  • Send a hard copy complaint form
  • Complete an online complaint form
  • By email

Follow the link on the CGE website for access to the complaint form, online complaint portal and email address:,to%20look%20into%20your%20complaint.

If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your complaint within 7 days, you can send an email to the CGE or call them on 011 304 7182. 

After receiving your complaint an investigation /legal officer will be allocated to look into your complaint. The officer will call you to discuss how the matter will be taken forward.

(See Resources: CGE contact details)