The functions of traditional councils are to:
- Facilitate involvement of the traditional community in the development of a local government’s integrated development plan (See: Drawing Up an Integrated Development Plan)
- Support municipalities in identifying community needs
- Recommend interventions to government that will contribute to development and service delivery in the area controlled by the traditional council
- Participate in development programmes of municipalities and of the provincial and national spheres of government
- Promote indigenous knowledge systems for sustainable development
- Administer the affairs of the traditional community according to custom and tradition
- Assist, support and guide traditional leaders in the use of their powers and how they perform their functions
- Participate in the development of policy and legislation at local level
- Enter into service delivery agreements with municipalities regarding the provision of services to rural communities
- Promote the ideals of co-operative governance, integrated development planning, sustainable development and service delivery
- Warn the municipality about any danger that threatens the area or people living in a particular traditional council area
- Perform their duties and use their powers according to customary law in a way that is consistent with the Constitution.
Traditional councils have to be accountable to the provincial government by keeping proper financial records, by disclosing any gifts received and by following a prescribed code of conduct.