Social Grants > Model Letters for Social Grants > Model Letter to the Regional SASSA Office Explaining Renewal of Power of Attorney
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Model Letter to the Regional SASSA Office Explaining Renewal of Power of Attorney

This is a letter explaining that the Power of Attorney has been renewed, and asking for all grant payments that were kept back to be paid to the client.


Room 9, Avocado Centre



Telephone: 021-6836252

15 November 2015

Our Ref: 1511/15

The District Pensions Officer PO Box 1053

Upington 0100

Dear Madam / Sir

Re:      NAME…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

IDENTITY NUMBER……………………………………………………………………………………………..

GRANT NUMBER…………………………………………………………………………………………………

NAME OF POWER OF ATTORNEY HOLDER……………………………………………………….

(put in the client’s name, identity number and grant number, and the name of the person who has power of attorney to collect the grant for the client)

We have been approached for assistance by the abovementioned pensioner/disabled person who was in receipt of an Old Age Pension/Disability Grant/War Veteran’s Pension until payments were stopped on. (put in the date)

We understand that payments were stopped because our client Mr/Ms …………………………………………

(put in the client’s name) failed to renew the Power of Attorney as required.

The Power of Attorney has now been renewed and accordingly there is now no impediment to continued grant payments.

In the circumstances, would you ensure that on the next payout date the grant is paid as normal together with the sum of R. (put in the amount of back grant that

is owed) being arrears since date of last payment.

We regret that should the matter not be settled as set out above, we shall have no alternative but to take legal action.

Yours faithfully

………………………………………………………… (put your name and capacity, and sign)

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