Chapter 13
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General guidelines for consumers

If a consumer owes money, they should always make some payment, however small and as much as they can. Never pay nothing. The more you pay the less interest you will pay in the long run.

Do not have the attitude that the balance is wrong so I won’t pay anything. If you owe money you will be charged interest every day until the debt is settled in full.

Never sign any documents in blank. If a consumer is asked to sign a Section 57 or 58, make sure that all the information is filled in, including the amount due, the interest rate to be charged, the amount of the monthly instalment, when they must start paying and how.

Never sign a document that you do not agree with. What a person signs is binding and will have consequences. Always get a copy of the document signed as this is proof of the contract and helps the consumer to know what their obligations are.

Complain if there is a problem and get help if you cannot negotiate yourself.

Contact the credit provider and lawyer before they take any legal action (because of the costs) and always keep a record of who you spoke to, what time and what was discussed. Most importantly, record what was said in writing and send a letter or email to them (keep proof of this as you may need it in the future to solve the case).