Send this notice of appeal to the Regional Appeals Committee at the provincial office of the Department of Employment and Labour with a covering letter from the employee or advice office employee. Remember to fill in the details specific to your own case.
- The appellant: TAFENI JONGUMZI
- Appellant’s address: c/o Claremont Advice Office PO Box 51, Claremont 4051
- Identity number: 3602125134189
- Name and address of employer: Claremont Municipality, PO Box 1711, Claremont 4051
- Date of application for benefits: 31 August 20…
- Address where application made: Department of Employment and Labour (Claremont)
- Date when I heard of Claims Officer’s decision: 18 October 20….
- Claims Officer’s decision: Benefits refused because I was not in employment for 13 weeks in the last year, and not unemployed due to illness for more than 2 weeks.
- Reasons for appeal: I was employed at the Municipality from 11 November 2008 until 30 April 20… Application for benefits was made on 31 August 20…
Therefore I was in employment for more than 13 weeks in the year before applying for benefits. I was also already unemployed for more than two weeks due to illness when I applied for benefits.
I am therefore entitled to UIF benefits.