This letter can be used as a model for any complaint about benefits not being paid, including illness benefits, maternity benefits, and so on.
3 July 20…
The Claims Officer Department of Employment and Labour
Cape Town
Dear Sir / Madam
RE: MR JACK NAUDÉ – ID NO: 510707 0098 006
Mr Naudé registered for unemployment benefits on 16 April 20…
He stopped signing the register on 15 May 20…. as he was away in the Eastern Cape looking for alternative employment. We enclose for your reference two letters of refusal of employment. A month later he signed the register again. During the period he was not signing, he was still unemployed and available for work.
He has been paid unemployment benefits for the period that he signed. However no payments have been made to him for the period that he did not sign the register.
Kindly investigate the reasons why he has not been paid any further benefits. Please advise us what action Mr Naudé could take to be paid out his full benefits.
Yours faithfully