Chapter 11
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What is the government’s land policy?

The government has said that it is its policy and vision to address:

  • the racially-based land dispossession of the past
  • the need for a more equitable distribution of land ownership
  • the need for a kind of land reform that will reduce poverty and create jobs
  • security of tenure for all
  • a system of land management that will make land available for development, but not harm the environment

To carry out this policy or vision, the government has implemented a land reform programme consisting of three elements:

  • Land Restitution to address cases where people lost land after 1913 because of forced removals; the cut-off date for applications for land restitution was December 1998.
  • Land Redistribution to give those most in need a chance to get land for housing and productive purposes. It caters for urban and rural areas and includes labour tenants, farm workers and people who want to start farming.
  • Land Tenure reform is a process of reviewing all the old land policies and laws in order to improve the tenure security of all South Africans.