The Act encourages consumers to resolve their complaints directly with the company, and failing that to use “alternative dispute resolution” mechanisms such as ombuds offices.
If the consumer has tried to resolve the complaint with the company and they do not give them the required response, then you can help the consumer contact the following offices:
The Ombudsman for Banking Services
Credit Ombud
Before contacting the credit ombud about a credit bureau complaint, contact the credit bureau first. The four major credit bureaus are:
Compuscan Tel: 021 888 6000, Website: [2023CCUpdate] [2023CCUpdate]
Experian Tel: 0861 105 665, Website:
Transunion ITC Tel: 0861 482 482, Website: [2023CCUpdate] [2023CCUpdate]
XDS Tel: 011 645 91000, Website:
If you are unhappy with the outcome of the above, go to the National Credit Regulator (NCR)