Chapter 5
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Justice centres

Legal Aid South Africa saw the need to establish Justice Centres to deal with the numbers of people requiring legal assistance. Justice Centres are like Legal Aid Clinics but much bigger. Full-time staff and attorneys who work there provide a number of different services.
(See Resources for contact details of Legal Aid justice Centres)


A person can only use the services of an attorney in a Justice Centre if they qualify under the means test for legal aid. (See Means test) The priority of Justice Centres is to assist vulnerable groups such as women, children and people who are landless.


Justice Centres provide services such as:

  • Referrals: The Justice Centres keep a detailed database of relevant services and agencies for helping people who need social, economic, welfare or psychological assistance. The Centres refer people to an appropriate agency with a referral letter.
  • Advice: The Centres help people who need basic legal advice such as where and how to apply for a birth certificate, interpret a contract, and so on.
  • Legal representation: The Centres provide legal representation to people for cases including criminal, civil, family law and labour cases. The legal representation focuses on using processes such as arbitration, mediation and negotiation, not only litigation (formal legal procedures).