[Fill in your address]
Telephone: [ ]
Our Ref: [ ]
[Fill in their address]
Dear Madam / Sir
Re: NAME…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
IDENTITY NUMBER……………………………………………………………………………………………..
We write to you on behalf of our client referred to above. They need temporary material assistance.
Our client is currently: (select only what is relevant and delete the rest BEFORE printing)
It would be appreciated if you could assist our client in the application for this alleviation grant by ensuring that their application gets processed speedily. They are in serious need of social assistance and this would ensure that their difficult circumstances are not prolonged.
Should you decide not to grant our client a Social Relief of Distress Grant, kindly provide written reasons for such refusal.
We look forward to your cooperation.
Yours faithfully
……………………………………………………(put your name and capacity, and sign)
Paralegal Caseworker