Remember: As an applicant or beneficiary your client should lodge an appeal to the following institutions in the following order.
1. The Social Security Agency for South Africa
2. Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA) on behalf of The Minister of Social Development (If your client is not satisfied with the outcome of SASSA they may appeal to the Minister within 90 days)
[Fill in your address]
Our Ref:
The Social Security Agency for South Africa
(Fill in the address)
Dear Madam / Sir
Re: (NAME) ………………………………………………………………………………………………
IDENTITY NUMBER……………………………………lodging an appeal in terms of Section 18(1) of the Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004.
(put in the client’s name, identity number)
In our capacity as (paralegal caseworkers), we confirm that we are assisting the above-mentioned client to lodge an appeal in terms of Section 18 of the Social Assistance Act 13 of 2004.
Ms/Mr [name] has nominated our offices to follow up and receive all correspondence relating to this appeal.
Kindly take note that Ms/Mr [name] lodged all relevant documentation during the application procedure with SASSA. We herewith ask for an investigation into the appeal and the furnishing of reasons for the decision to reject the application to Ms/Mr [name]. We further ask for an appeal hearing date within 30 days of your office receiving this appeal.
Ms/Mr [name] believes that the service centre officer of SASSA or the appeal division in SASSA did not apply their mind to the records presented and therefore bases this appeal on the following;
(In this section the client must explain the reasons why they believe they are entitled to the grant, what records they have to support their case)
We trust this appeal application is in order and await the date of the appeal.
Yours faithfully,
(put your name and capacity, and sign)