Anyone applying for a social grant must qualify through a means test. This is a way of measuring a person’s income and assets. If the person applies for a grant, SASSA will evaluate their income and assets. If the income and/or assets are higher than the thresholds set by government, then they will not qualify for a social grant. The means test depends on their own income and assets if they are not married, and on the income and assets of the applicant and their spouse if married. It makes no difference if the applicant is married in community of property or out of community of property. If the applicant’s spouse already receives a social grant, their grant is NOT counted as income in the application.
A Foster Child Grant is the only social grant that is NOT subject to a means test.
The means test differs for the different grants. For example, the Older Person’s Grant, Disability Grant and War Veteran’s Grant are paid on a sliding scale. This means the more private income the applicant has, the smaller the percentage of government grant they will qualify for. Other grants such as the Special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant (the Special SRD R370 Grant) is a fixed amount and not paid on a sliding scale provided the person is not earning above the applicable means test.
The means test will consider the following ‘assets’ which will determine whether a person qualifies for a grant:
The income and assets thresholds for the means test as of April 2024 are as follows:
Older Person’s Grant:
People aged 60 and older who earn less than R101 640 (if single) and R203 280 (if married and combined) a year, whose assets do not exceed R1 438 800 (single) and R2 877 600 (married).
War Veterans Grant:
Men and women who fought in World War II or the Korean War who earn less than R101 640 (single) and R203 280 (married) a year, whose assets do not exceed R1 438 800 (single) and R2 877 600 (married).
Disability Grant:
People with permanent or temporary disabilities earning less than R101 640 (single) and R203 280 (married) a year, whose assets do not exceed R1 438 800 (single) and R2 877 600 (married).
An applicant for this grant must earn less than R101 640 per year (single) and R203 280 per year (married) and the assets must not be more than R1 438 800 (single) and R2 877 600 (married).
For up-to-date information on the asset and income thresholds for the means test, check the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) website: , or the Black Sash website: or Black Sash Helpline: 072-663-3739.
Income means money you get from somewhere else. This can be:
NOTE: A husband and wife can claim separate grants. If either of the spouses already gets a grant, then that grant must not be counted as income when the other spouse applies for a grant.
You are allowed to deduct the following: