If a learner’s admission has been refused, they can appeal against this decision to the provincial MEC. Parents should make their appeal as soon as possible after they have been notified that the school has refused the learner’s admission. Also check provincial appeal timelines.
In the appeal, you must address the following:
• The current admission application to the school(s), when the application was made and whether or not the application was made in time
• The outcome of the application and the engagement the parent or caregiver has had with the principal
• Any steps taken by the parent or caregiver (especially whether or not the parent has approached other schools and if these schools’ admission application dates have lapsed).
• Grounds for the appeal (reasons why the school’s decision is unreasonable and without basis)
• Request that the MEC overturn the decision of the principal or the SGB, or alternatively that the MEC find alternative placement for the learner at the nearest school possible. The PED has a duty to place the learner in a suitable school, not necessarily in a school of the parent’s choice.
• Include all relevant documentation. Include reference to the school’s admission policy, and whether the parent feels the school has not followed its own policy or acted unfairly towards the learner.
It is better for the learner’s case if the parent has applied to a number of schools as learners are not guaranteed a place in a specific school.