The SA Schools Act Section 20 describes the functions of the school governing body. This includes:
- Promoting the best interests of the school and its development
- Adopting a constitution and mission statement
- Introducing a code of conduct
- Providing support to educators and the principal in carrying out their duties
- Determining times of the school day
- Administering and controlling the school’s property, and buildings and grounds
- Involving parents and others to undertake voluntary duties and tasks
- Recommending to the Head of Department the appointment of educators and non-educator staff at the school, subject to the relevant legislation Educators Employment Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 138 of 1994), and the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)
- Managing and allowing the use of school facilities for fundraising, community, and social uses
- Maintaining and improving the school’s property, buildings and grounds
- Deciding on the extramural curriculum and the choice of subject options according to provincial curriculum policy
- Buying textbooks, educational material and equipment for the school
- Paying for services to the school