Each governing body must draw up a constitution that says how it will work. The constitution must fit into the minimum requirements given by the provincial MEC for Education. The constitution must say:
The provincial minister of education will publish these details:
Each committee chairperson must be a member of the governing body, but other committee members need not be on the governing body.
The provincial MEC for Education must draw up a code of conduct for the members of the SGB after consultation with associations of governing bodies in each respective province. All members are required to comply with the code of conduct.
The code of conduct must include provisions that allow for disciplinary action to be taken against a member of the governing body and also protect the member who is being disciplined. The Head of Department may suspend or terminate the membership of a governing body member for breaking the code of conduct once proper disciplinary procedures in terms of the code have been followed. A member may appeal to the provincial MEC against a decision of the Head of Department regarding a suspension or termination of membership as a governing body member.